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It's been an intense week for the world and for some reason I've been tuning in and paying attention more than usual. I don't usually watch or follow the news at all. I rely on others to let me know if something really big is happening but something has shifted recently. I don't know what's different but it suddenly feels very important to pay attention and stay engaged.

I completely understand the desire to avoid the news, not take in too much. What's happening is not always positive or uplifting. But it is important. For racism to end, we all have to participate in dismantling it, within ourselves, our families, our communities and our organizations. Trying to write about anything else right now seems irrelevant and yet trying to convey all that I'm taking in and processing seems impossible. It's an important time for self-reflection, introspection.

I am what I am; wishing cannot change me. Let me therefore face my faults with gratitude, for only by facing them can I work on them, and change them.
Affirmation for Introspection from Affirmations for Self-Healing by Swami Kriyananda

The time for self-reflection and introspection is now. Many of us are looking at what is happening in the world and asking, "What can I do?" There are many important and valuable outward actions we can take: making donations, attending peaceful protests, sharing good information, educating ourselves and having difficult conversations with compassion. But if we really want to have a deep, lasting impact and contribute to the shift in consciousness that is trying to happen we must go within and be willing to analyze ourselves. We must reflect on all our thoughts and actions and, perhaps especially, on our inaction. 

If we want peace, we must be willing to see the ways we are in conflict. If we want unity, we must be willing to see the ways we create division or support a belief of separation or difference. If we want truth, we must be willing to see the ways we are untruthful. If we want love and harmony, we must be willing to see the ways we perpetuate disharmony and aversion, examining our likes and dislikes. You don't have to be involved in these types of conflicts out in the world. These conflicts can be right here within us, awaiting our attention, our energy to help them to dissolve. Our honest, conscious attention is the light that is needed to destroy darkness.
