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Sometimes when I tell people that I'm a teacher they say something like, "I don't know how you do it!" and I laugh and reply "I don't know either!" But the truth is, I do know: I'm not the one doing it. So who or what is? Well, you can call it what you want - grace, magic, energy, intuition, Divine Mother or God - but sooner or later you start to realize there is something else at work that you can't quite see or fully understand. 

I had a sweet, magical moment one afternoon that reminded me that Divine Mother knows just what each of us needs in each moment. I had gone down to the Village center to use the stronger internet connection to upload something for my class. While I was there waiting for things to upload I sat in this beautiful communal space all by myself feeling a bit sad and out of sorts. Not even a few moments later a little boy from the community came walking by and went to check on a nest of birds they'd been watching in a bush nearby. Immediately I jumped up and wanted to see and it was as precious and awe-filled as you would expect. Four little baby birds all snuggled together in their nest. His sister joined us and told me the whole story of the discovery (while they were still eggs) and their birth (they were so pink!) and their feathers (growing in now!). And just like that, Divine Mother brought me a little unexpected gift of wonder and joy to remind me I'm not alone, that there is magic all around. 

Being a teacher can feel like a huge responsibility and I do need to show up and put out lots of energy. I plan and prepare but there are so often these sweet little reminders that we're not really in charge, that there's so much more happening in this world than meets the eye.
