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set an example

I don't usually engage much with the news or politics but I think what is happening right now in our world is beyond politics. It is about justice and truth, about reclaiming our humanity and standing up for what matters most. We can talk about and criticize how others are acting but in the end, what example are we setting by what we do, by the choices we make? If we want harmony or peace, are we at peace within ourselves and the people in our lives? If we want clarity and truth, how honest are we being with ourselves and others? Everything we do has a ripple effect and while we usually won't change someone with a lecture, we can subtlety influence them with our actions and attitudes. People, especially children, learn more from what you do and how you act then from what you say. 

I came across this incredible talk from Trevor Noah that touches on recent events and people's reactions and the power and responsibility of those in leadership to lead by example, not by force or manipulation or expectation. Around minute 10 or 11 he says...

"...we need people at the top to be the most accountable because they are the ones who are basically setting the tone and the tenor for everything we do in society. Its the same way we tell parents to set an example for their kids. Its the same way we tell captains or coaches to set an example for their players. The same way tell teachers to set an example for their students. The reason we do that is because we understand in society that if you lead by example there's a good chance people will follow that example that you have set."


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